23 Oct Welcome!
Hello and welcome to my new home!
I’m super happy to open the doors of my new website for you. Here I’ll share only beautiful and inspiring things. I want to create a virtual place where you can come to feed your soul, your eyes, and your own creativity.
I’m Aline, a Brazilian surface designer and illustrator based in Portugal. Two years ago, I embarked on this creative journey that goes beyond my designs and artwork. More than the exciting journey of self-discovery as an artist, it has helped me to connect with my soul, with my truth and gave me the courage to build a more fulfilling and creative life, something that I’ve been craving for a long time.
New designs and partnerships, things I’ve been learning, my own creative projects and discoveries, small hacks for a digital nomad life – I’m eager to share all this good stuff with you. I’ll have some exciting months ahead and It would be awesome to have you by my side.
If you’re building your own meaningful life (or having some thoughts about it), if you care about the environment and natural resources preservation, if you believe that the secret for happiness lies in the appreciation of the simple things in life, if you believe that, without art, life would be unbearable – I think we’re going to get along very well.
So, jump in! In the about section you will find more about yours truly. You can sign-up for my newsletter to be sure you won’t miss any update or new releases (a little secret: I sneak freebies in my e-mails ;-). You can also stay tuned to my Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. Please, send me a message if you do – I love to connect and a simple “hi” would make my day. I reply to all messages.
Nice to have you here!

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