
The beginning: my new pattern collection is here!

The base,
the first home,
the roots of who we are,
the beginning of everything.

I’m so excited to share with you what probably is one of the most important pattern collections of my life.

The beginning celebrates my mother, what she represented to me and all the sweet memories she left behind. It’s a personal and intense collection where my childhood memories are brought to surface trying to capture the creative energy and loving kindness that my mom poured into everything she touched. From her garden’s fresh fruits, colors, and perfumes to wake up lullabies and the lovely little notes she used to leave on the breakfast table every morning. This collection is a reminder that memory is the form of love that stays forever.

It also celebrates this new career as a surface pattern designer. Every pattern contains courage, hours and hours of learning, effort, obstacles to overcome. It represents the turning point of many transformations that started a few years ago and go beyond the professional shift. This pattern collection is like a new beginning for me. And looking back, now I realize that dedicating this collection to my mother was the way I found to have her by my side in such an important moment of my life.

Patterns 'deepest connection' (left), 'hydrangeas in the sky' and 'unforgettable scent' (right) presented in the color palette 'earth and roots' and applied to fabric.

The beginning is composed by 12 patterns and presented in two color palettes. It was born back in the north of Portugal, inside our apartment during the first months of the pandemic, and was finished recently here in the Azores, to where I moved in January. It took time, more than expected. But I couldn’t be happier with the result. I’d like to have them all, fill my home with them – and this must be a good sign.

I’ll be sharing more about the story and memories behind the patterns in my next newsletters and blog post. For now, I’m dropping a few patterns here as a sneak peek and I warmly invite you to visit my portfolio and check them all. And be assured that I’d love to receive your feedback if you feel like sharing your thoughts regarding this pattern collection. It would mean the world to me.

Thank you for being here from the beginning!

  • Sandra Mara Bolson
    Posted at 16:46h, 27 September Reply

    Aline, querida!
    Sou suspeita para falar sobre teu trabalho, pois conhecendo você como conheço, sempre amando e admirando tudo o que faz, é lógico que adorei esta coleção de estampas maravilhosas, sensível e cheia de natureza.
    Tudo nela me faz sentir o quanto você, nesta nova jornada, se conectou ainda mais com a natureza, a vida, as pessoas e em especial com tua mãe.
    Adoro esta Aline cheia de paz, amor, sensibilidade, harmonia com a natureza, que foi em busca do seu feminino, de seu interior e de tudo que estava guardado dentro dele e que ainda não havia brotado tão profundamente.
    Parabéns, minha amadinha! Sucesso nesta jornada linda!
    Amo você! Agradeço sempre ao Universo ( e ao Daniel) por ter colocado esta pessoa linda e especial na minha vida.
    You are special!!!!!

    • Aline
      Posted at 19:55h, 27 September Reply

      Aaaa, que lindo receber a tua mensagem aqui, Sandra. Muito obrigada por todo o carinho que tens por mim. Sabes que significas muito pra mim também e me sinto muito feliz em termos nos encontrado nessa jornada da vida. O teu suporte e apoio em tantos momentos foram fundamentais para que eu chegasse aqui até aqui. Obrigada de coração. Grande beijo com saudades! :*

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